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Benefits Of Equine Sports Massage

All horses can benefit from sports and rehabilitation massage.

When the care of the muscular system is not treat correctly, the horse can become sore or overstretched. The horse may compensate for this by improperly using other muscles or tensing up, leading to potential injury, restricted motion, discomfort and decreased performance quality. By promoting muscle relaxation, circulation and healing, we can improve the horses' performance, balance and comfort. 


Benefits of treatments include:

  • Increased Flexibility and freedom of movement

  • Increased Stride Length

  • Injury Prevention

  • Reduced Muscle Fatigue

  • Pain Relief

  • Stress Relief

  • Improved Posture

  • Increased Immune System Support

  • Increased Range of Movement

  • Improved Muscle Tone

  • Improved Circulation

  • Improved Coat


If your horse is showing any of the following signs of discomfort a sports massage may help:

  • "Naughtiness" when ridden eg. bucking/rearing/napping

  • Refusing/Knocking Jumps

  • Change in normal behaviour

  • Difficulty picking up the correct canter lead

  • Stiffness/Abnormal Gait

  • Reluctance to engage the hind end

  • Grumpy when tacked up

  • Loss of performance

  • Loss of muscle tone 

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