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Benefits To Equine Biomechanics

Biomechanics is the study of the functioning of the body in movement using mechanical principles. It is highly relevant to riding because here we have two biomechanical systems, each with their own normal way of functioning, coming together to influence each other.

In order to bring about the right biomechanical dynamic of the two systems working together, we need not only to understand that of the horse, but crucially that of the rider, for it is the rider who changes the dynamic from something unbalanced to a harmonious unified entity. 


How I Plan to incorporate the Technology

Using Biomechanics hardware and software, i will be available to analysis the horses 'way of going' to improve performance. With the technology i will be able to video both the horse and the rider in slow motion to analysis the data to a more in depth degree. The human eye can see up to 25 Frames Per Second (fps), with this technology i will be able to view the horse and riders movement up to 1000 fps, allowing a much more detailed report of how i can work the muscles and advise my clients with training exercises that will help to gain performance. 

Video Analysis is a means of quantifying movement patterns through timing, distance and angular measurements. The timing variables describe the tempo, rhythm and regularity of the stride. The distance variables describe the stride length and the distances between individual limb placements, such as the amount of over-tracking. The angular variables describe the position of the bones and joints, for example, how much flexion occurs at different joints.

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